
Support Chronic Conditions By Unlocking The Body's Innate Healing Power Through Functional Nutrition

Empower you to live the life that you are created to live!

Ludan Huang helps people with chronic health issues to unlock their body's innate healing power through functional nutrition, so that they can experience wellness once again and live the life that they are created to live.

Examples of conditions that I work with:

  • Energy fluctuation, lack of energy, fatigue, exhaustion
  • Digestive issues: acid reflex, heartburn, indigestion, belching, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, etc.
  • Blood sugar dysregulations
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Poor quality of sleep
  • Immune system dysregulations
  • Chronic conditions and diseases
And, those who simply desire to be empowered with the knowledge of nutrition to nourish yourself and your family. Let your grocery dollars work as your healthcare (as it should) and wellness flow as a natural outcome.
Do you know nutritional deficiency and cellular inefficiency occur YEARS before any subclinical symptoms experienced or disease state diagnosed?

How Does Functional Nutrition Work To Prevent This Progression and Correct the deficiency and imbalances at the root?

Food and Nutrient First Mindset

Food and nutrients are nature’s intended ways for us to care for our body. They are our first and the most important line of health care. The food we eat everyday can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison.

Body's Innate Intelligence

The Human body is truly wondrously made. It is constantly speaking to us and has amazing ability to heal when the needed nutrients and conditions are provided. Our approach taps into this profound innate intelligence to help your body heal itself.

Foundational and Systematic Approach

We believe the answer to health issues lies not at the level of symptoms but in restoring the corresponding compromised foundations. After completing a comprehensive questionnaire to get a full picture of your health profile, we engage with the body’s innate intelligence to uncover the weakened foundations that need support. 

Holistic, Targeted, and Personalized Solution

We recognize that each person is a unique and complex bioindividual. We identify the nutrients that work for your current physiological constitution to support the specific foundational needs. We believe a holistic, targeted, and personalized plan is the pathway to true lasting health.

Ludan Huang


Ludan Huang is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. After decades of solid training in physical sciences** and experience in high tech engineering, she decided to devote her time to holistic health and healing when seeing the great need in her own family and those around her. Seeking to understand the underlying mechanism of things has been a constant pursuit of Ludan’s heart. Her unique background enables her to develop keen principle insights and systematic approach to root cause identification, which are greatly needed in the area of health and healing. She believes healing should be foundational, holistic, and relational. She is honored to have the opportunities to embark on the journey of healing with you.

** Ph.D in Physics and Nanotechnology, University of Washington, Seattle; M.S. in Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle; B.S. Material Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, China.

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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates, The father of western medicine

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
― Thomas Edison


“All I did before was counting my calories which was influenced of my gym training experience. I didn’t think too much about the other things. As a result of RESTART I am way more mindful of what I eat, and learned how to read food labels. I was able to find out the difference of what I ate that changed the level of energy I had. I lost my love handles!! I can wear my high school clothes again!”

Eric E.

Group Class Participant

“This has truly been a life-changing experience! I loved it all! So much information and extremely applicable. I mostly focused on the simple things that would help me the most! My eating habits have vastly improved! Ludan is an incredible instructor! She loves teaching and seeing you grow! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, she is more than willing to help!”

Kevin O.

Group Class Participant and 1:1 Client

“My sleeping issue was the key for me to reach out to Ludan. I did not want to rely on sleeping pills. In addition, I had not been enjoying eating because I had problem with digestion which led to gas and bloating. I ended up skipping meals to avoid the feeling of bloated.. After working with Ludan, I feel less boated, sleep better, and I now have more knowledge in terms of healthy eating. There is no quick fix to health issues, we have work on it. However, with Ludan’s help, everything is possible. At the end of the day, it is the best investment one can make for ourselves for a better life.”

K. Y.

1:1 Client and Group Class Participant

Interested in working with me or have a question? I’d love to hear from you!